Inverted the wall to white, I'll add some vials on a table and maaaaybe a
microcope but i'm not sure if i will have time - I figure i can use the
screens/ computers for the title inputs, so clicking on a pod = anatomy
(character customization) - computer = options, something else for
start and the screen at the back for exit.
Silver Titlescreen/medlab combo - The title screen will look alot more
evidently a title screen once I have text above the screens displaying
"Options "Start Game" and "Med Lab" and some mouse over colourisation -
the metallic character is for the augmentation part of the med lab, I
will probably just have him somewhere at the back with wires attaches
for now because I'd prefer to spend more time scripting.
The side panels function wise as i've said is already implimented as I
did the kismeting for organ interaction partly before with Neil, i just
have to create 2d/3d organs, lists, text and camera views and then move
onto the 3d ct scans at the end of the silver footage.
Med App concept, the camera overview is already implimented as is the
kismeting for clicking part of the mesh -> showing information - the
turning parts of the anatomy on and off will be done by having an
opacity layer with a scaleform texture that gets an invoke action - the
only 3d ui is the Brain ct scan,
< example
^ initially was just a pod - cryolab scene but I'm going to merge a
medical lab and cryo lab since they sort of add up to the same thing. O and here's some music I did for origin, going to use it for this as I don't have time to make more.
- char update - 3d model's anatomy is too childlike
Spending a week or two updating the anatomy the hand and feet are very unresolved.
The idea is to have the character in a menu state, like in crysis/deus ex
Here is the char as it stands now partly rigged and with a skeletal base
for the lab, in more of a tronish.. (raiden?) sort of way before all
the armour is placed - for performance I'll delete the underline
polygons when the armour is attached though probably not for this
This is the kind of the style for the panels and armour (whilsts its
being created? :>) that i'm looking for - obviously it won't look
anything along the lines in a month or two but I'll start somewhere.
Scaleform periodic table - each colour changes dependant on the
temperature it evaporates so i took each colour put it on 5 planes and
tadaa it's 3d. I'll upload a moving version soon. Here's the code http://www.text-uplo...01484&c=6498921 it's a repeater - function wise it's basically as the temperature rises the colours change - will be somewhat interactive once i think of a good way of doing that ingame.